Monday, December 7, 2009

Chapter 12

Technology in Social Studies Instruction:

Theme 1: Culture
Theme 2: Time, Continuity, and Change
Theme 3: People, Places, and Environments
Theme 4: Individual Development and Identity
Theme 5: Individuals, groups, and Institutions
Theme 6: Power, Authority, and Governance
Theme 7: Production, Distribution, and Consumption
Theme 8: Science, Technology, and Society
Theme 9: global Connections
Theme 10: Civic Ideal and Practices

Virtual Trips are visits students make to Internet sites to see places they could not go easily go to in real life or that can help them get more out of trips they are able to take. Visiting foreign locations gives students a richer more comprehensive perspective on the world around themand makes the world a living part of their classroom.

Adventure Learning is a hybrid distance education approach that provides students with opportunities to explore real-world issues through authentic learning experiences within collaborative learning environments.

Digital Storytelling - students use personal narrative to explore community-based history, politics, economics, and geography.

Internet sources give stdents and teachers up-to-date information they could not obtain easily from other sources.

Geospatial Technologies - allow individuals to view and examine the world through multiple layering of data within a spatial environment. Google Earth!

Chapter 9

Technology in English and Laguage Arts Instruction:

TPACK - the use of appropriate technology, in a particular content area, as part of a pedagogical strategy, within a given educational context, to develop students' knowledge of a particular topic or meet an educational objective or student need.

Accelerated Reader - computer-based tracking system, to increase the amount of reading that students do on their down time. Studies have shown it to be successful in motivating students to read.

Writing in Blogs - students can use these either as personal journals or as public discussion forums for trading opinions and interactions.

Electronic outlining and Concept Mapping, both help students to organize their thoughts.

Chapter 8

Web based lessons or projects - Interpersonal exchanges - students communicating via technology with other students or with teachers. Information collection and analysis - Using information collections that provide data and information on request. Problem solving - Student-oriented and cooperative problem-solving projects.

Locating and using information from Internet sources has become a key part of classroom learning. It is important that students have opportunities to learn how to use web resources efficiently and effectively. Possible activities include individual and cooperative research projects.

Displays of past and current student work - Websites can be used as web publications centers in which students show examples if their poems, stories, pictures, and multimedia products.

You must assess the quality of web-based material.
  • Good structure and oragnization
  • Clear text or graphic links
  • Good visual design
  • Easy navigation

Web Page Development Sequence:
  1. Plan and storyboard
  2. Develop pages with text
  3. Insert images and media
  4. Insert links and frames
  5. Insert interactive elements
  6. Test in a browser
  7. Publish (upload) the site
  8. Gather evaluations comments, revise, and maintain the site