Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chapter 7

The Internet*

www - World Wide Web

Mosaic was the first web browser, introduced in 1993. Now, Firefow, Internet Explorer and Safari are used.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) - Internet addresses, HTTP:// - HyoerText ransfer Protocol...Last part domain designator which typically indicates the type of content one would find at the website. .gov, .net, .org

Adding a favorite or bookmark can help you visit your favorite sites in much less time.

*Online Organizer - Online Social bookmarking, allows you to access your bookmarks at any location by saving your websites online in one place.

Distance learning, leanring has escaped the physical boundaries of the classroom and the school, and students and teachers have become part of a virtual classroom they share with counterparts around the world.
- Research
- Online classroom materials
- web-based lessons - teachers use website resources to structure a curriculum lesson
- virtual courses and programs

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