Sunday, November 8, 2009

Web 2.0 Article

  • I really liked te idea of incorporating a podcast into my class instruction. I think the idea of recording your lesson that day and then posting it as a pdcast is beneficial for everyone.
  • The student will get a second or third chance to hear your lecture and a parent can also listen to the lesson that day.
  • I think test grades will improve based on a second chance to learn the material.
  • If a student is absent they can listen to the material they have missed on the podcast and be caught up with the rest of the class.
  • RSS - Really Simple Syndication - Makes getting news feeds and updated information very simple and teacher friendly. I want my students to realize the importance of knowing the world around them and introducing this would be a fundamental tool.
  • Introducing many of these tools to students can be something that they carry with them for the rest of their lives.
  • Students are so engulfed in technology that it is impairative that teachers stay up to speed on the same information and tools.
  • I also want to try a blog for my class. Somewhere the students can all discuss a chapter that they read or debate different topics.
  • A concern I have is being able to police that site and making sure that students use it for the right reasons. Safety is a concern with the blogs
  • E-Portfolio just makes life a little easier. I want to try and introduce this to my students. I think the more technology based introductions that I can make will better serve them when they leave my class.
  • This is information that all students can carry with them in the higher education field or it can be a great resume builder.

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